“ A wonderfully talented young man who will make a name for himself in the world of music.”
The Late Frank Sanucci -- Renowned pianist-composer-film scorer  

“ ...facility equal to any of the world’s great virtuoso pianists.”
Dr. Edward D. Berryman -- Well-known organist-teacher (Minneapolis) 

"A truly gifted composer."
Dr. Stan Gibb -- Music Professor (Cal Poly Pomona) 

"...charming compositions."
Eddy L. Manson -- Famous film scorer & harmonica virtuoso (Los Angeles) 

"When he played these selections during his concert it was not necessary 
to look at the title of each selection on the program. One could feel the
story he portrayed through the keyboard."
Donna Heath -- Pine City (MN) News

"I have been listening to your album "A Place Somewhere" since 2005. I want 
to write and tell you how deeply I'm affected by your work, "A Place Somewhere" 
and "Persistence" especially, two masterpieces that throw me into quite the 
creative mode and make me dream of places and events that could never take 
place in this world. I just ordered "LifeSongs" today, an album which I have not 
yet heard, but have greatly anticipated. I cannot stress enough how much I 
enjoy your music and how it has inspired me."
Matthew Roth -- Motion Picture Writer/Director


Mainly Piano Website

Marquis Millennium Magazine

Classical Composers Database (Musicalics)

Christian Fellowship of Art Music Composers

© 2003 - 2025 Tim M. Kucij / KRC Records. All Rights Reserved.